Consulting & Research

Consulting & Research

From indie producers to entertainment titans and investment analysts to technology companies, the industry’s leaders trust Nash Information Services.

We arm and empower our clients with relevant, actionable data. Since 1997, we have been sharpening the most sophisticated set of tools available for analyzing the past and future performance of movies, including ancillary revenue through DVD, Blu-ray, and VOD sales and rentals, streaming, TV sales, and foreign revenues.

Industry Analytics Meets Creative Instinct | Comp Analysis

Our Comp Analysis report breaks down revenue for comparable films to your project into domestic and international theatrical and home market income, TV rights sales, streaming and other ancillary revenue. Informed by this data, we create an analysis of your project’s potential.

Whether a project is headed for festivals, aiming for a streaming deal, going direct to video, looking for international sales at a film market, or charting its own course, our Comp Analysis can help.

Let’s Talk

The Guinness Book of World Records trusts our data. So should you. For more information, please email us at